
作者: 发布时间:2023-12-19 点击数量:

Ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education.

1. Take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as guidance, focusing on establishing a high-quality education system.

2. Keep eyes on establishing a high-quality education system, strengthening the main status of schools in cultivating talent, deepening the governance of off-campus training, stopping firmly the acts of harming people’s interests, and relieve parents’ anxiety effectively, build a good ecology of education.

3. Within three years, ease off the various burdens significantly, improve the quality of education further and increase people’s satisfaction with education remarkably.

Information Resource:ms.mbd.baidu.com (With Adaption )

Weng Lifen: a good spokesman for high quaity rural education

“There are still a lot to be done in the rural education. I will strive to be a good spokesman for teachers, parents and children, so that more rural children can enjoy higher quality education at home.” Weng Lifen is full of confidence as she prepares to attend the Two Sessions.

As the gap between urban and rural areas has narrowed, the hardware foundation of rural schools has become better and better in recent years, and the conditions for running schools have also been significantly improved. However, Weng Lifen found that currently education resources are unbalanced distribution and other problems still need to be solved.

From Weng’s perspective, rural education has a promising future in the context of rural revitalization. She suggested thst from the perspective of humanity and nature, we should tap the advantages of rural resources, and actively create “ one school, one product” to further promote the common development of rural and education.

Information Resource: Time Pioneer (With Adaption)

