
作者: 发布时间:2023-11-26 点击数量:

李颖,外语教研室党支部党员教师,先后担任中加合作办学项目课程《Cambridge Interchange》及《大学英语》课程的教学。在教学过程中,坚持以学生为中心,注重语言交流、小组互动、技能训练,创建丰富有趣的课堂活动,让学生动起来,让课堂活起来;课堂内外关心学生的成长,在学习上、生活上帮助学生排忧解惑,引导他们建立正确的人生观和价值观。曾获2022年重庆市职业院校技能大赛教学能力比赛二等奖,多次指导学生参加比赛获奖,现在研重庆市“课堂革命”典型案例重点项目一项。

Li Ying, lecturer of the Party Branch of the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Department. Serve as the teacher of Cambridge Interchange and College English. In the teaching process, adhere to the student-centered concept, pay attention to language communication, group interaction and skill practice; create rich and interesting classroom activities to make students move while make the class alive. Care for the growth of students inside and outside the classroom, help them to solve problems in study and life, and guide them to establish a correct outlook on life and values. Won the second prize in Teaching Ability Competition of Chongqing Vocational College Skills Competition in 2022, and guide students to participate in the competition for many times; and now participate in a key project of Chongqing's "classroom revolution" typical cases.

